Strategy for the volunteer wildlife rehabilitation sector
The NSW Wildlife Council management team urges all member groups to prioritise making all their volunteers aware of the NSW Government Wildlife Rehabilitation Sector Strategy and inviting individual comment either to their group, or by their group to NWC for a combined submission to OEH NPWS.
This strategy has been several years in the making however stakeholders have been afforded only a very short time for comment on the final document.
The public consultation period ends on 12 April. If any individual NWC group wishes to provide comment for inclusion in a joint NWC submission the details would need to be at NWC’s email, no later than Monday 1 April 2019.
NOTE: if clicking on the link doesn’t open your email program, right click on the link and select copy email address,
Read the strategy and supporting documents and let us know your views about the review findings, recommendations and proposed accreditation system.

Accreditation of volunteer wildlife rescue and rehabilitation service providers in NSW
A support document to the NSW Volunteer Wildlife Rehabilitation Sector Strategy 2019–2022

NSW Volunteer Wildlife Rehabilitation Sector Strategy Consultation Draft
The NSW Volunteer Wildlife Rehabilitation Sector Strategy is a three year plan to support and improve wildlife rehabilitation in New South Wales.

Review of the NSW Volunteer Wildlife Rehabilitation Sector
An evidence base for guiding future reform
Volunteer wildlife rehabilitators and veterinary practitioners make a valuable contribution to our community.

Wildlife rehabilitator provider compliance audit
This project reports on an independent compliance audit of NSW wildlife rehabilitators undertaken on behalf of National Parks and Wildlife.